
Permission sets in salesforce

Permission Sets

  • A Permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various functions, The settings and Permissions in Permission sets are also found in Profiles, but permission sets extend user's functional access without changing their profiles.
  • For example, to give users access to a custom object, creat a permission set with the required permissions for the object, and assign the permission set to the user.
  • We never have to change profiles or create a profile for a single use case

Permission sets include the following;

  • objects and field permissions
  • App Permissions
  • Apex class access
  • Visualforce Page access
  • System Permission
NOTE- A profile have many user. But a user must have assigned to the single Profile.
             Many Permission sets we can assign it to single user.

Creating Permission Sets;-

                          Manage Users
                                     Permission sets
                                                 New button 

  • Enter Label API Name and Description of Permission set.
  • Select "Salesforce" as user License in the select the type of user who will use this permission set section
  • Click on "Save" button
  • Select either object and Field, App, Apex class, Vf page Permission
  • Select the object which we want to give permission
  • Click on "Edit" button and give the related permission
  • Click on "Save" button

Assigning Permission Sets;-

From the user detail page, we can assign Permission sets or remove a Permission set assignment.


                         Manage Users


  •  Select the user which we want to assign Permission set
  • In the Permission set Assignments related list click "Edit" Assignments
  • To assign a permission set, select it from the Available Permission sets box and click "Add"
To remove a Permission set assignment select it from the Enables Permission sets box and click "Remove" button






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